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May 16date background

Dildo lesbians Gina Gerson and Emmanuel

FerroNetwork present us a new lesbian set featuring Gina Gerson. She is extremely fit girl with pretty nice pussy and tits. I love her expression with a dildo in her flower like pussy. I want to talk more about pussy surrounded pantyhose with a hole for it. Great thing is enough photos with teasing and dildo insertions. Beautiful Emmanuel is on top in this scene and wears pantyhose too. Both girl in high heels that makes their story more fetish ans sensual. Well I’d like to see really full length dildo insertion and look at Gina’s face after that. OMG my fantasy is making me mad about these lesbo girls. Actually I didn’t know that lesbian can be so excited as soon as I’ve got pantyhose1 as a bonus. And not the only one, I hope to post more ferro porn updates in the future.
Gina Gerson and Emmanuel dildo lesbians
Just look at emotions, they are sensual and true! Lov’em both 🙂

What more about whole set, it takes a couple of long-legged rug munchers in pantyhose to make things real hot, so meet Gina Gerson and Emmanuel! They looks like true lesbians with full trust on each other (and camera-girl for sure). You won’t be able to take your eyes off their mile-long legs in sheer-to-waist hose and fuck me pumps, but later Emmanuel will reveal a rubber long dong tucked under the waistband of her hose and meant for the other Gina’s cute licky pussy.

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